Advocating for holistic youth health: The key to a thriving future

By Veronica Amaral

In an attempt to address pressing health needs and advocate for strategic investments in health and nursing, the Clinic Manager at BeFree Clinic Care, Frieda Stefanus, stressed the importance of investing in the holistic health of the youth at International Nurses Day.

The BeFree Youth organisation held a brunch with 60 nurses in specialized departments on Saturday in Windhoek for International Nurses Day. The brunch honoured nurses’ contributions and underscored the commitment to quality care.

According to the organization, its mission is to provide holistic, clinical, and psychosocial support to individuals aged 13-35, which is a testament to the transformative power of healthcare, mirroring the 2024 International Nurses Day theme.

Speaking at the event, Katutura State Hospital matron Elizabeth Hamwaanyena spoke to her heart about this year’s theme of “Our Nurse. Our Future. The economic power of care.”

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