Capricorn Foundation invests in rhino guardianship
• By Martha Nangombe
Capricorn Foundation has become one of the first organisations to invest in the innovative Rhino Guardianship Certificate program.
The Rhino Guardianship Certificate program, a collaborative effort between Save the Rhino Trust Namibia and Wadappt,
aims to provide essential funding for conservation efforts and ensure the well-being of rhinos.
Organisations like the Capricorn organisations contribute to rhino guardianship programs by purchasing these certificates and
funding crucial resources such as ranger salaries and fuel.
The Capricorn Foundation Executive Officer, Marlize Horn, expressed the organisation for participating in the program.
“The Capricorn Foundation is excited to be one of the first organisations in Namibia to purchase The Rhino Guardianship
Certificate. This certificate enables us to contribute positively to conservation efforts and align with our sustainability focus
area,” she said.
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