Car theft cases drop, stock theft soars in Omusati


THIEVES in Omusati have now shifted their operations from stealing motor vehicles to stealing livestock, this according to Omusati police spokeswoman Inspector Anna Kunga this week.

Kunga says many cases of stock theft are being registered with the regional police than those of stolen vehicles. She indicates between 2019 and 2020, the police in Omusati recorded a high number of stolen cars than from January last year up to now.

However, according to Kunga, the paradigm has now shifted with thugs now stealing farm animals.

“I can say we did not have much stock theft cases like now. It was mostly cars stolen and driven into Angola or stripped of their parts. But now we have many cases of farm animals being stolen in the region,” she said.

The regional police spokeswoman indicated that since January only one vehicle was reported stolen in the region in sharp contrast to those stolen in the past few years at the beginning of each year.



Read the full story in this week’s edition.