CISNA committed to achieving SADC objectives: Matomola
• By Andre Tino
NAMIBIA Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (NAMFISA) Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Kenneth Matomola says the upcoming Committee of Insurance, Securities, and Non-Banking Financial Authorities (CISNA) is a sign that CISNA is committed to achieving SADC objectives by translating objectives into actionable programmes.
CISNA will hold its 46th Bi-annual Meeting in Swakopmund from October 1-6. Matomola, also the CISNA Chairperson, said the meeting highlights the organisation’s commitment to achieving project targets within a specified timeframe.
The 46th CISNA Bi-annual Meeting will convene with delegates representing member authorities and SADC structures covering areas in the Capital Markets, Insurance, and Pension funds industries, among others.
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