Councillors welcome Govt food distribution programme

By Marx Itamalo

SEVERAL northern regional councillors have hailed the government for its initiative to begin delivering drought food help across the country. The government announced it would begin distributing food to affected homes on October 1 and will continue until June 20, 2024, a move expected to require N0 million.

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The rationale is to tackle the country’s food insecurity.

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According to Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila, data indicate that around 695,000 individuals, or nearly 172,000 households, are expected to face extreme food insecurity between October 2023 and March 2024, demanding prompt humanitarian aid.

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Eengodi constituency regional councillor, Protasius Neshuku, said the programme will benefit inhabitants of his constituency who have been crowding his office with requests for food assistance owing to poor harvests. “It is well known that many homes did not have a sufficient harvest this year. Many people are already suffering from hunger, and I feel the government made the right decision,” he said. Neshuku said his office had received multiple reports of people going to bed hungry, and he said he had to use his own money to buy maize bags for the people on several occasions. “I hope the distribution is not delayed so our people are saved,” he said. Meanwhile, Otamanzi councillor Johannes Iyambo praised the Swapo-led administration for putting the ball in motion to address the issue of food security. The Omusati lawmaker was one of the councillors who took money from their own pockets to feed members in their constituencies who desperately needed food.

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