Debmarine to recruit over 160 workers
By Paulina Ndalikokule
DEBMARINE Namibia will be employing more than 160 people for the construction of the seventh diamond recovery vessel scheduled to start operations in 2022.
In a press release, Debmarine Namibia chief executive Otto Shikongo said the company’s management board has approved the construction of the world’s first ever custom-built diamond recovery vessel earlier this year.
“The company’s Human Resource Operations and Training Departments are hard at work recruiting talented, career-orientated Namibian professionals looking for stimulating careers at sea,” Shikongo said.
He noted that the seventh vessel in the Debmarine Namibia fleet is only scheduled to commence operations in 2022.
“Debmarine Namibia wants to be well prepared and started to mobilise and train its permanent employees well in advance,” he added.
According to André Liebenberg, senior HR manager the recruitment process has already begun with six positions already filled.
The target is to fill 13 posts before end of the year to ensure operational readiness. He said another 103 posts are expected be filled in 2020, adding that 63 additional trainees were appointed for the new vessel.
“As one of the main players in this industry, we are faced with challenges of a shortage of qualified and competent skills in maritime career, hence we rely heavily on developing our own talent pool through training and long-term trainee programmes, which we invest in significantly,” Liebenberg said.
He stressed that the recruiters will first consider qualified Namibian applicants and if no suitably qualified Namibians are available, then non-Namibians will be considered in line with current legislation.
Namdeb says careers at sea are full with opportunities to progress and develop, both personally and professionally.