Economic trajectory promising: President Mbumba

By Martha Nangombe and Allexer Namundjembo

PRESIDENT Nangolo Mbumba says the country’s economy’s trajectory is promising, with a medium-term growth forecast of three to four per cent.

Speaking during the State of the Nation Address (SONA), President Mbumba said that since the establishment of the Welwitschia Sovereign Wealth Fund, the Fund’s investment returns have grown from the initial seed capital of N$262 million to N$425 million.

Regarding employment creation, the President said the government had assisted with placing 1350 jobseekers in various sectors of the economy using the Namibia Integrated Employment Information System.

However, he said that as the nation recovers from the grief of recent weeks, his government will be faced with an expectant nation.”From the elderly to the young, from every area, town, and hamlet, Namibians rely on their government for economic help, job opportunities, and the ability to live in a safe and secure country. 

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