EU, KAS launches N$15m empowerment project

■ By Uaueza Kanguatjivi
The European Union (EU) and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) are working on a €736,784 (about N$15 million) project to enhance civil society organisations (CSOs) and promote diversity in Namibian governance.
The 26-month collaborated effort began in July 2023 and will end in June 2026. KAS will supervise it with Women’s Action for Development (WAD) and focus on the //Karas, Kunene, and Erongo areas.
The project, developed under “Empowering Civil Society Organizations (CSOs),” targets Women, Youth, and Marginalised Communities as Eq.
The “Empowering Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)” project aims to empower women, youth, and marginalised communities as equal partners in democracy. Partners in Democracy.
In the ECSO project, the EU and KAS will pay the budget equally, demonstrating a shared commitment to strengthening CSOs’ roles in governance and development concerns.
ECSO focuses on two main areas, namely capacity building and advocacy actions.
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