Fatal jump: skydiver’s parachute fails to open
By Confidente Reporter
A catastrophic and fatal incident was reported at Swakopmund Airport this week when a young Chinese adventurer plunged to her death during a skydiving training session at Swakopmund Skydiving Club.
Not much is known of the victim, but the police here reported that shortly after midday on Sunday the 33-year-old Ran Lei, a Chinese national, was undertaking training at the skydiving club, but after jumping out of the plane, the ropes and harness became entangled with the main parachute “due to windy” conditions.
The report said Lei was also not able to activate the emergency back-up parachute in time and consequently fell to her death.
The victim’s remains have since been recovered and taken to Walvis Bay for post-mortem examination.
Her next of kin were informed of the tragedy.
Swakopmund Skydiving Club did not issue an official statement on the incident.
The clubhouse is located some 5 km east of Swakopmund and has been in operation at Swakopmund Airfield for over 28 years, the company website indicates.