Former councillor, associates lobby presidency

…as multi-nationals put squeeze on local ventures


By Jeremiah Ndjoze

Aconsortium of local entrepreneurs led by former NUDO councillor for the City of Windhoek, Benestus Kandundu is lobbying the presidency for intervention citing that multi-national entities and established businesses are putting the squeeze on smaller business establishments – owing to the economies of scale.

The letter, seen by Confidente, was addressed to President Hage Geingob on August 14 2021 and delivered on August 18 2021. In the submission, the former councillor and his entourage told the Head of State that while government’s endeavours to meet the financial needs of emerging small and medium enterprises are commendable, it is becoming increasingly obvious that the benefits of these noteworthy initiatives are yet to trickle down to the ‘real’ emerging SMEs and their operators.


Read the full story in this week’s edition.