FLI Empowers Gender Ministry Staff

The Financial Literacy Initiative (FLI) recently conducted an impactful financial wellness training session for staff members of the Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication, and Social Welfare (MGEPESW). The one-day session, attended by eighty-one participants, aimed to enhance financial literacy and equip individuals with crucial financial management skills.
FLI, a national platform dedicated to improving financial education among individuals and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), has been actively promoting financial awareness in Namibia since its inception in March 2012. The initiative is hosted by the Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises under the Directorate of Economic Policy Advisory Service (EPAS). Today, FLI boasts more than 35 platform supporters from Namibia’s public, private, and civil society sectors, all working together to strengthen financial capacity across the nation.
They continue to make efforts to educate Namibians about financial management, savings, and investment strategies that are crucial in promoting economic empowerment. By engaging with various sectors, including government employees, students, and business owners, the initiative is steadily making strides toward a financially informed nation.
The Training Coordinator of FLI, Jacob Petrus, shared his enthusiasm about the session, highlighting the remarkable engagement from participants. “They had a lot of interest,” he noted in an interview with Confidente. According to Petrus, many attendees initially approached the training with low expectations but left with a newfound appreciation for financial wellness.
In addition to conducting training sessions for government institutions, FLI actively promotes financial literacy to the general public. He added that they also offer one-day training for the general public.
“Right now, we are busy trying to organize a public talk about financial literacy with students from the Namibian University of Science and Technology (NUST) and the University of Namibia (UNAM), along with staff members at a later stage,” Petrus revealed.
He also acknowledged the challenges faced when discussing financial matters, stating that money remains a taboo topic for many individuals. “People always become defensive and say they know how to deal with their money,” he remarked. However, the reality is that financial literacy plays a critical role in fostering economic stability and personal financial well-being.