Katutura hosts 9th Youth Expo
By Paulina Ndalikokule
EXHIBITORS who took part in the Katutura Youth Expo last week have expressed dissatisfaction with customer attendance. This year the expo commemorated the ninth year since its inception and the event ran from 29 October to 3 November.
Confidente spoke to some of the exhibitors on Friday last week, many of whom complained that they we not making enough profit. “Since we started selling on Wednesday, we would only make about N0 a day, which is a loss compared to the N00 dollars which we paid for the space,” Simon Angula said.
Elizabeth Amutenya was however hoping to make a profit, despite complaining that business was slow.
“This a great opportunity provided to us. My sister and I have been making profit since we started participating three years ago. Of course we are experiencing a reduced number in customers but this is only because people didn’t get paid yet, but over the weekend I am certain we will make a profit like always,” Amutenya said.
Deputy Minister of Industrialisation and Trade Development Lucia Iipumbu at the official opening of the expo said the ministry introduced key interventions to ensure the development of entrepreneurial skills to benefit Namibian youth. She stressed that a lack of access to finances, market access, as well as entrepreneurial skills can hamper the development of Small and Medium Enterprises.
“Namibia through entrepreneurship change and skills training, as well as comprehensive training in a range of business advance services will be at a better level to compete with other countries in the global arena,” Iipumbu said. She called on Namibians to work towards economic development of the country by working together.
Also speaking at the event was Windhoek Mayor Muesee Kazapua, who encouraged the exhibitors to use the event as a platform for exhibitors and corporates to engage one another and involve the wider community in the trade of goods and services.
“This is the platform that you can use to expose your businesses and network for better opportunities.
I know you won’t get as much profit as you may dream of, but you still chose to take part,” he noted.
About 136 exhibitors, including small-scale kapana vendors, livestock auctioneers, medium-sized clothing traders and corporates from the banking sector took part in the expo, which this year was held under the theme ‘Connecting Minds for a Prosperous Future’.