King Price Namibian Bowling set for next month

• By Michael Uugwanga

THE country’s best bowlers and those from neighbouring countries will be gathering in Windhoek to compete in the annual Namibian Bowling Championship slated for 3 May to 11 May at the Eros Bowling Club and at the Windhoek Bowling Club.

The President of the Namibia Bowling Association (NBA), Michael Wells, has told Confidente that the association has invited all neighbouring countries to compete in the championship. There will be some prize money and medals on show, with the sport of bowling continuing to establish itself on the local market as one of the most appealing and attractive sports codes countrywide.

“We just hosted our fundraising last weekend. We are happy to get a sponsorship from King Price Namibia, with the national referred to as King Price Namibian Bowling Championship. Preparation towards the championship is going very well, with the tournament to be hosted at two bowling clubs (Eros and Windhoek). 

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