Less money for land reform: Schlettwein

By Kaipaherue Kandjii

Agriculture minister Calle Schlettwein told an annual planning workshop in Windhoek this week that the government has run out of money to buy more farms.

Records from the agriculture ministry show that Namibia has resettled 5.480 people out of 243.000 applicants on 558 farms worth N$2.5 billion since independence in 1990.

Schlettwein said, “I am also getting old, and I do not have to lie. When we talk, we must be frank, candid, and honest. Only then will we make real progress? This is my last time talking to you at this platform when we shape our sectoral developmental Plans,” he said.

The minister said population growth puts pressure on all the resources under the ministry’s jurisdiction and urged employees to prepare to embrace this pressure.

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