NBL Commits to Raise the Bar on Sustainability

By Confidente Reporter

Namibia Breweries Limited (NBL), a pioneer in sustainable manufacturing, is accelerating its sustainability efforts by committing to reach zero emissions across its operations by 2030.

A decade ahead of the Paris Agreement climate goal, this science-based target will be realised through a comprehensive strategy that emphasises increased renewable energy usage, enhanced energy efficiency, emission reduction across NBL’s value chain, and the implementation of innovative low-carbon technologies and nature-based solutions.

This net-zero commitment signifies a monumental leap in NBL’s sustainability journey as part of our Brew a Better World 2030 strategy. For decades, NBL has pioneered innovative sustainability projects, laying the foundation for today’s heightened ambitions.

A testament to this commitment is the installation of Africa’s first industrial-scale biomass boiler, reducing carbon emissions by over 63,000 tons since 2016.

This state-of-the-art boiler currently fulfils 85% of the brewery’s thermal energy requirements, showcasing NBL’s success in transitioning towards renewable thermal energy sources to reduce its carbon footprint.

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