Okatyali police station inaugurated

By Allexer Namundjembo
The Police Inspector General has officially inaugurated a new police station in Okatyali, Oshana region. The opening of a C-class police station in Okatyali is described as an achievement by the Okatyali
constituency councillor, who donated a private building for the police to operate from while them construction was ongoing. Joseph Mupetami, Okatyali constituency councillor, said that he has been working hard to ensure that his constituency got a police station to curb violence and theft in the community. ‘’I have taken personal loans to ensure the station is completed. We started his initiative without the government’s assistance and have succeeded. My community members have cooperated with my office and me as councillors to achieve this milestone,’ Mupetami said.

The newly launched station has eight police officers stationed there, rendering all police services to the community. Stock theft in Okatyali has been increasing, and the opening of the police station will curb this illegal activity and promote peace in the area. He added that his dedication must be an example to other councillors to embark on projects that will change and benefit the community members without expecting government assistanc
After the inauguration, the Oshana regional Police commander Naftal Lungameni promoted Aili Lineekela Nambala, a warrant officer, to an Inspector effective 1 August. Nambala’s promotion coincided with the opening of the Okatyali C-class police station. Shikongo indicated that since December last year, the police had promoted 4,682 police officers; of those promoted in the first phase, 2638 were male, and 2044 were female. One thousand nine hundred thirty police officers were promoted to ranks of Sergeants, while 1600 were from sergeant 2 to sergeant 1. He added that 707 police officers were promoted from warrant officer 2 to warrant officer 1.At the inauguration, Police Inspector General Joseph Shikongo emphasised the importance of police service in communities and urged the police to execute their duties to the best of their abilities. Shikongo further pleaded with the communities to work together with the police.