PDM revives branches ahead of 2024 election
By Kaipaherue Kandjii
POPULAR Democratic Movement (PDM) Secretary-General, Manuel Ngaringombe says the party is reorganising its structures in all regions to mobilise members to retain its strongholds.
Ngaringombe said PDM’s 1 400 branches will be ”restructured” in an effort to revive PDM’s fortitude as they aim to gain a lion’s share of the vote in the 2024 polls.
“The branches are mobilisers, and they keep the PDM alive.
The purpose is to mobilise voters ahead of the elections, so we know how many people are in a branch as preparation for the 2024 elections,” asserted Ngaringombe.
He also reiterated that all positions in the party would be up for grabs when the current crop of leaders’ term of office expires, including party president, McHenry Venaani, in April next year.
“As a result, an Elective Congress will be held in May to usher in successors to the incumbent leaders,” he informed Confidente.
“This is why we did not announce our presidential candidate [for 2024 elections] as other parties and organisations have done because we have not yet concluded our internal processes. However, I can confirm that all positions will be contested, including the top six, the National Executive Committee, and Central Committee,” he said.
The PDM, Ngaringombe said, has achieved its objectives in the last five years, particularly on issues affecting ordinary citizens.
“We tabled a motion in parliament on youth unemployment to address the issue, which has been a big success. On social issues, we also built a clinic in the south, assisting communities with water pipes, and planning for an open market to be set up for street vendors in Windhoek is at an advanved stage. We are defiant on the issue of the pollution of underground water aquifers in Ohangwena and also the productivity of green schemes,” he stated.
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