Pride in the new banknote

I stood with a great sense of pride next to the deputy governor of the Reserve Bank, Ebson Uanguta, when he launched for the first time the N$30 banknote, by making the first food purchases using the N$30 note at Woermann Brock in Klein Windhoek.

As l held the 30th Independence anniversary note in my hand, seeing the three faces of our three presidents made me feel very proud as they brought Namibia’s three decades (30 years) of peace and stability, which in itself has been a remarkable achievement in Africa, which normally held the record for one man, one vote once and never again.

Not only did our presidents break that negative perception but they have helped to build this democratic country, regarded as a Third World, which is how we know Namibia today.

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We have become “the Switzerland of Africa”, a remarkable achievement.

For that, we the people say ‘Viva Namibia.

But also l want to thank my comrades, who through their love for justice and independence – those of you who are alive and those of you that did not make it out of those 15 years that l got to know you. All special thanks and gratitude, you taught me a very valuable lesson.

I quote the late Malakias Shiluwa “Namibia is like a zebra, if you shoot the zebra, whether you hit the white stripes or the black you kill it. That is why we have to work together.”

Karen ‘Omuyengeli Wetu’ Woermann