Two unregistered lotteries operating in Nam: Muyunda

• By  Uaueza Kanguatjivi

MINISTRY of Environment Chief Public Relations Officer Romeo Muyunda says Namibia has two unregistered lottery operators in the country, namely Scratch Lotto and Lotto Afro.

Muyunda stated that none of these companies had been convicted but mentioned that the Lottery Board had issued two non-compliance letters to the companies.

“There are currently two exempt entertainment lotteries, zero private lotteries, six benevolent lotteries, 58 promotional competitions, and zero state lotteries. We are aware of two unregistered lottery operators, whom the Lottery Board has issued non-compliance letters to,” he said.

Meanwhile, Ministry of Environment and Tourism Minister Pohamba Shifeta says the implementation of the Lotteries Act, 2017 (Act No. 13 of 2017) and the Gaming and Entertainment Control Act, 2018 (Act No. 13 of 2018) and their corresponding rules, which came into law in December 2021 are not being adhered to.

According to the minister, despite having these two laws, the ministry continues to see non-adherence to the provisions of the laws from operators in the gambling and entertainment industry.

He emphasised that the Lottery Act 2017 aims to authorise, supervise, and control benevolent lotteries and address any incidental matters.

Shifeta advised the industry, operators, promoters, and persons engaging in business activities that fit under the legal definition of lotteries to apply, notify, and register their schemes, programmes, and projects with the board before engaging in such activities or promoting and marketing them.

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