Uutoni wants Kunene CRO booted out


THE Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni has lodged an application with the High Court challenging the reinstatement of Kunene chief regional officer George Kamseb.

Kamseb was reinstated by the chairperson of the management committee of the Kunene regional council in 2008 on a contract basis of five years. He was again appointed on another five years in 2016 and his contract expired in 2018. Recently his contract was extended for two years in May 2021.

Uutoni is now challenging this decision to be invalid stating that the law only provides for five-year contracts not for two years. He is also challenging the decision of Kamseb’s latest appointment and is asking that it be rendered null and void because the management committee did not seek ministerial approval.



Read the full story in this week’s edition.