We always need teachers
WHEN deciding on a career, it makes sense to think of a profession which has good job prospects. No use in pursuing a study that will never land you a job. However, the study should of course also be compatible with your interests, professional goals and give the opportunity for growth.
The Namibian Ministry of Education Arts and Culture (MEAC) recently published a 20-page supplement in all the major papers with hundreds of vacancies for teachers of all subjects and all levels. This clearly demonstrates the prospects for those that chose to pursue a degree in teaching.
Or for some struggling to find a career with the initial study they pursued, re-training as a teacher may just be the answer.
Forging a career is dependent upon a lot of different factors especially if one wants to grow and develop within a field. Having actual vacancies be available is one of the most important aspects of embarking on a career and choosing a profession. This is certainly the case during an economic downturn. That is why the MEAC’s supplement with countless vacancies is so important. Young people at present are really struggling to find a job with unemployment at record levels. Teaching is and always will be a noble profession and will never become superfluous…we will always need teachers, education and instilling wisdom and helping grow the Land of the Brave.
If you find yourself in a position where you are not happy, aren’t reaching your full potential or perhaps just can’t catch that break with your degree and the land the job you want, perhaps a change of career is the answer.
Getting your teaching degree doesn’t require full time attendance in class, it can be done through distance education. When you’re working a full-time job, it’s hard to find extra time for after-hours education and training, that is why distance education institutions exist. Getting trained, or retrained as a primary school teacher and doing at your own pace might just get you that teaching job in any of the 14 regions, where there is a real shortage of accrediting and qualified eager teachers. .
There are fully accredited private higher education institution specialising in teacher education in Namibia.
Specialising specifically in pre-school and primary school education (Foundation and Intermediate Phases). The formative (pre)primary years are essential in a pupil’s life. A child never forgets their first and best teachers. Having the right qualifications to make a difference in children’s’ lives and allowing them to flourish and evolve into well-educated, academically interested student is very rewarding. Not to mention job stability and security are a major part of being a teacher.
If you’re going to invest time into career advancement, especially here in Namibia, it is important to ensure you signed up to an NQA recognised course.
Distance learning lets you study when it suits you.
It means that you can do it parallel to your full or part-time job. The MEAC is struggling to find the right qualified candidates, why not choose teaching as a career path and know that your job prospects have suddenly increased.