Wild animals threaten residents in Omusati


RESIDENTS of villages bordering the Etosha National Park in Omusati live in fear following sightings of wild animals like lions and hyenas.

The animals were reportedly sighted at Onamatanga, Amarika, and Omutambowomawe villages, which are situated near the Etosha National Park in Omusati.

Some residents revealed to Confidente this week that a pride of about five lions, believed to have strayed from the park, was seen on the western edge of Omutambowomawe on Saturday night.

According to the residents, the lions killed two cattle and mauled a donkey in the village before disappearing into a nearby conservancy. “The lions killed two cattle belonging to a local farmer, went to drink in a pan nearby and disappeared in a nearby conservancy. But we heard they again mauled a donkey on the other side,” resident Nikodemus Tyuuya told Confidente. According to Tyuuya, the Omutambowomawe village is a dense and vast area near Namibia’s largest national park, the Etosha, and thus sightings of wild animals are not uncommon.

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