Women advocate for safer roads in Namibia
IN 2016, the Automobile Association of Namibia saw the need to implement an educational and empowering platform which is of national interest due to its strong focus on women in road safety in Namibia.
Such a drive is significant for the nation considering the alarming increase in road crashes over the past couple of years. Women are known to be incredibly influential especially through the traits they poses as mothers, wives, daughters, teachers, aunts and friends, they are uniquely equipped to use this power to change driving behavior in a positive way. Our focus is to improve female driver behavior and aim to use their influence as women to encourage their families and friends to vouch and pay close attention to the consequences of their actions towards road safety.
Road safety is an issue that affects and impacts everyone, either directly or indirectly due to loss or injury of an individual or loved one, or as an indirect cost to our economy.
Therefore, every person can make a difference and play a part in reducing the number of accidents on our roads, simply by becoming more aware of poor driving habits and adopt safe driving patterns which promote road safety.
This project is calling on all women in our society to take the responsibility of raising awareness about safer roads in their communities.
Women must involve themselves and by means of a positive message, practical demonstrations to help educate our nation on road safety.
The project will address the safety of small children by encouraging the use of child seats and slightly older children by the use of booster seats, the safety of children crossing the street to schools, and enhance women’s knowledge and understanding of their own vehicles e.
g. changing of tyres, checking engine oil, and also educate themselves on ways to eliminate fear when driving on the road among others.
AA Namibia is calling upon all women to pay close attention to this page in the Confidente newspaper as an ideal opportunity to put the road safety message across Namibia in a positive way with the hope to drive the change we all need.