Women Influence for Safer Roads in Namibia

Children’s trips to School

Aride or walk to school and anytime one spends time playing near roads reflects on the child’s overall exposure to road traffic rules.

Children spend quite some time on roads and it is important to ensure that road safety education in Namibia emphasizes on the dangers of main roads and encourages appropriate behaviour when in proximity to heavy flow of traffic.

Mothers! Let’s Help Our Children Cross the Roads Safely ato School 

The trip to and from school is especially important in any study of child pedestrian crashes, since it is undertaken frequently. 

Many of the children that walk to school are likely to be unaccompanied by their parents or guardians and are likely to be in the company of school friends whose presence may divert attention from the dangers of road accidents. Moreover, in winter either or both outward and return trips may be in poor light where accident rates may be higher.  There’s a general preference to have the children walk to school instead of dropping them off to avoid being caught up in traffic congestion and since it tends to be a more clearly defined journey than much of the other walking activities children undertake it results in them spending more time near wider roads with higher volumes of traffic and speeding vehicles.

As for women we are considered to be the best drivers than man, thus it is our responsibility to continue supporting road safety in Namibia. Death and serious injuries caused by road crashes can be mitigated. 

Women are exclusively responsible for raising children and are therefore their major tutors from proper fastening them in the right booster or seat to helping them cross the roads. 

Road Safety is a business for all.  Join women in their journey to fight for safer roads in Namibia.