Grysblock Men Lead Charge in Community Protection

Amidst rising crime rates in Windhoek, a movement is taking shape in Grysblock, driven by a group of men who recognized the community’s need for protection and safety. This initiative advocates for both security and community development.
Shalom Amutenya, spokesperson for the Grysblock Neighbourhood Watch, explained in an interview with Confidente that the group was “born out of necessity. With crime rates rising, it became clear that something had to be done.” Upon learning about the initiative, he “immediately recognized its potential impact on the community and joined the cause immediately.” Amutenya stated, “It made me realize that when we stand as a collective, we can combat crime more effectively and ensure that safety is our primary goal. Involving our youth in this initiative keeps them out of trouble and reduces crime overall.”
Amutenya explained that the group was initially formed in 2018 but was disrupted by COVID-19. It was later resurrected at the beginning of 2024 with a new committee.
Despite its success, the biggest challenge remains community participation. Many residents are either unaware of the concept of neighbourhood policing or misunderstand its purpose. However, through continuous advocacy and engagement, Amutenya and his team are working to bridge this gap and encourage greater involvement.
The Grysblock Neighbourhood Watch has witnessed firsthand the positive impact of collaboration with law enforcement agencies, such as the City Police and the Namibian Police Force (Nampol). These partnerships have led to swift responses to security concerns and an overall safer community.
“We urge our neighbouring suburbs to join the fight and start or continue with their neighbourhood watch groups to eliminate or at least reduce crime in our city,” Amutenya urged. “We can testify that our colleagues at City Police and Nampol are eager to work with Neighbourhood watch groups, as they have done with the Grysblock Neighbourhood Watch on numerous occasions.”
“We give the biggest gratitude to the City Police and NAMPOL colleagues who have constantly responded to our call for support and their assistance whenever needed,” Amutenya concluded.
Joyce Goeieman, a learner at Academia Secondary School and Grysblock resident, shared, “At first, I used to be afraid to get a taxi to school. Now I can get off at the four-way from school as the Neighbourhood watch guys are there, plus they also escort people when they see it is late for them to walk alone.”
A Grysblock resident, who requested anonymity, told Confidente about a recent incident involving a schoolboy who was stabbed and stripped naked by a group of individuals. The Grysblock Neighbourhood Watch assisted the boy in getting home, as his stab wound was minor. “They even told me that we have been seeing the boy sneaking out around 11 pm several times, imagine that time I am already sleeping,” the resident said, surprised. “They are actually doing a very good job in the community, plus they have a WhatsApp group where they add the community members to report any suspicious activity that is happening.”